Sunday, April 1, 2007

The Reality

What has come of me...?
I've forgotten what it's like...

I've forgotten what it's like to be bound by rules... boundaries that have kept me safe... warm... carefree...

I've forgotten what it meant to just stare at birds... watching them eat, drink and soar ever so blue skies...

Wish you were home...

I sleep far away from slumber... far away from warmth... at but still so far away from home...

This is not me... I'm lost... lost in thought... lost in mind...

I am not in control...

I do not remember the last time waking up without thinking about the future...

The more I think... the more this path narrows... leaving me walking but a very fine line...

My destruction is but a slip away... I stand on this edge being pushed by this slow wind...

Wish you were home...

Weakness is asking a question... needlessly... you hold it in your left hand... but you do not seem to open your right... do you hold truth?... or maybe the whole path...

Reality is what it is. There is no escaping this mad world... for you have played the biggest part in forging it...

I stand before myself as a white coated judge
"Hello, Raven." it greets me, "You are here to be rid of this grudge."
"You've been falling for so long." it claims, "But now, you shall receive your budge."
"What are you talking about?" I ask, knowing full well that I need this nudge.

"You are the descendant of a great man; can you withstand putting him to shame?"
Reality has overwhelmed me... I stand silent... I'd wish for all but this reality if it ever came...
"Sir... I'd... I'd rather die before I am appointed such blame."
"Very well... you must start new... a new life... a new path... a new name!"

One after the other... the ravens from my shoulders fall...
The very room is flipping and twirling, tossing me from wall to wall...
This is madness... much like reality... life in pain... preventing me from standing tall...
This is not over... I CAN STILL CRAWL!

Water... so deep... but... I can Inhale...
Sunlight slowly rips through...
So powerful... so uncontrollable... so...

This world is not mine... this world is not ours... there is something more behind the visual truth... I know now... that I must prove myself... I must prove myself to the people around me... to myself... and... to the truth behind this truth...

I think I finally understand that old Arabian saying...

"Time is like a blade... If you do not cut it... It will cut you."

"Sin." she calls out to me, waking me up from my life-changing dream...
I understand now... It is the new name I was promised... so it would seem...
A reminder, perhaps... to never become what I have once been...
But she had the voice of an angel... an angel, one that I wish I could have seen.