Monday, February 25, 2008

Free Will

A perfection of words so empty of hope,
There is none to be found under this young man's coat.

Go elsewhere, help is far too late,
Crude creations crackle in the corners of a cubical crate.

Do you not understand the language of insanity?
A reprimanding reach reduces the relevance of reality.

You will realize and come to see,
One day... all minds shall be set free.

Such tragic mystery you so willingly read,
You will never leave your nest, your home, or your creed.

Until you step outside one tragic day,
And feel the existence of an entirely different and redefined way.

You will not question why, where, or most importantly... who,
Because the end is so near... and you cannot help but feel it, too.

Writer's Notes

Humanity is sick.
The Disease is called free will.

If you give, you deserve nothing.
If you take, you deserve everything.

If I take, you deserve everything.
If I give, you deserve nothing.

If you give, I deserve nothing.
If you take, I deserve everything.

Does this make sense to you?